Monday, September 17, 2012

Seasonal Weddings

A Fall Wedding:
Fall days are filled with a golden promise of colour beyond compare; and your wedding will be a very colourful affair.  Like a fire burning brightly, flicks of colours constantly changing their hues, a fall wedding mirrors warmth, home hearths and cozy nights beneath the romantic harvest moon.

A Winter Wedding
With Jack Frost nipping at your nose and a bouquet of a single Red Rose,  a Winter Wedding promises dreams that come true.  Crisp white backgrounds, tinted in shades of blue, what better season to bring in the colour of passion, the red rose and a love enduring.

A Spring Wedding
Whether your ceremony is under the Apple Tree blossoms,  beside the Lilac bushes, holding bright Tulips or beautiful cascading Daisies;. Spring is a time of new life, growth and an awakening from the winters sleep.  An outdoor Spring wedding is glorious indeed.

A Summer Wedding
With gardens all wearing brightly coloured finery and their perfume scenting the air, a summer wedding basks in the sunshine of life.  With warm sunny days and scented roses filling the air;  the promise of bright coloured futures are felt everywhere.
Reverend Karen Belshaw
Phone:  250 826-5777